New Beginnings
“What do I want to create in this new year?”
2023 does not have to be more.
The power of the year may come with the question — “What do I want to let go of?” or “What rules do I want to break?”
Perhaps it is making your intention one of “self-care”. “What nourishes my body, my heart and my mind?” or “What is gentle and sustainable?”
My plan is to take small steps in a couple of areas to make nourishing change for a year of growth. To create a simple flow of new ways; slowly building new positive habits.
I will share and lightly sprinkle new ways throughout my Yoga Therapy; a therapy of body, heart and mind, grounded in the yogic tradition. For more about this work there is a quick read on my website. If you have any queries please contact me for a FREE 30 minute phone consult to learn more about how I can assist and support you.
Below are illustrations of how I continue to use the senses to nudge myself towards staying present, my work for the year. You may fine these observations helpful as you step into 2023.
Taste - what am I eating?
Watermelon and Feta Salad
A light fresh salad for these hot summer days. A tasty variation to this recipe is the addition of cashew nuts which add texture, flavour and protein, making it a light and complete meal.
Enjoying seasonal foods
Smell - what am I smelling?
The smell of newly cut grass, the fragrance of tomato impregnated onto my fingers after time in the garden, charcoal burning and onion grilling and OH the smell of salt on my skin after a swim in the sea.
Sound - how am I listening to?
Artwork by Michael Thomas Hill
This is both a visual and audio installation
Touch - what am I feeling?
The sun on my skin offering warmth and colour, all the while applying slip, slop, slap under this strong southern light.
Sight - what am I reading?
To dream and rest.
To create an opening
for possibilities and
potential still to come.
To tend the seed
that is even now
gestating in the dark.
Held in the cave of
both past and future,
I’m wrapped in the warmth
of myths and ancient ways.
Held by the ancestral mothers,
I enter the stillness of this time".
~ ©️Arlene Bailey
The Sacred Wild, Re-Membering the Wild Soul Woman
Offerings - ways to nourish yourself…..
Restorative Yoga and Yoga Nidra
Sunday 22nd January, 3-5pm
7 Beach Road, Sandy Bay, Hobart
Booking Necessary
Nutrition and Yoga Therapy Consultation
Personal Session and Online
Wednesday 2.00-6.30pm
By Arrangement
Private Group Yoga Classes
Yoga Timetable
Links to yoga class bookings are on the website: Food and Body